Well, I have been questioned by a few as to where my August in Review Blog is and well... that's the thing- I can't remember August even happening let alone the summary of it. That's when you know it's bad right??? The lack of memory I mean, not the month!
August... a complete blur- really. Let me see what I can muster up here... Ahhh the fail safe- Sandcastle. We did a whole bunch of that. Though if memory serves (and we know for the most part it tends not to) but if in this instance it does, it was a COLD August so we didn't go to Sandcastle nearly as often as we should have. But the children loved EVERY DAY we went.
STEELERS... yes... a highlight of August was the Steeler pre-season opener at Heinz Field. (See picture) It was amazing. I had never been before but will most definitely go back THIS
Other great things to report.... my niece was with us the first part of August. Kayla, 14... older sister to Gladys Elizabeth (my 9 year old niece with Acute Mylogenous Leukemia). We frequented Sandcastle, the Waterfront, Starbucks (OH YES, it was me that introduced her to her first Vanilla Bean Frap) Poor thing. She loved them so much she'll have to participate in illegal employment just to afford her new Starbucks dependancy. (All jobs at 14 are illegal right? Can't remember being allowed to work that young! What do I know- these days they are probably encouraging kids to work at 10!)
We visited my niece in Phili a few times in August. She was in a coma for the most part of August
so we weren't able to communicate with her. And because she was enduring Chemo and treatments for infections etc she was in a sterile room we didn't enter. Prognosis was bleak at the onset. The report today is amazing however. They released her a week ago yesterday to her home after 3 months in the hospital. She is still to return to the hospital 5 out of 7 days a week for the next 5 weeks or so for chemo but they say when she finishes this next round she will be through barring any complications down the road. GOD IS SO GREAT!
I took a job in August as well. It is ultimately the reason I've slacked on my blogging responsibilities. (I realized this past month that my updates are to be posted by the end of the first week of the month or the "fans" start messaging me... : ) I walked into the Gap in the middle of August to purchase some jeans and came out with an interview. Within the week I was working. And it's been a ride ever since. Paul watches the kids when I work- around 25 hours a week, nights and weekends. I enjoy it. I am social and seem to be incredibly good at sales and retail. Too bad I don't work in an area that provides commission. A big goal at Gap is to sign people up for Gap Cards (store credit card). I am pretty good at this part. Paul actually gets frustrated at how good I am and the fact that we gain nothing from it. His statement on the issue, "Our cashiers get 20$ for each credit card they open- what do you get again???" Well, I get nothing. A pat on the back. A number on a running chart in the employee lounge that tends to be bigger than everyone elses. (Yes, I do love the competition part.) But I do have to wonder if the hourly rate would even matter if I made 20$ per G.C. issued. This past week I would have made $280 on G.C's alone. Hmmmmmmm. I'm gonna have to think on that a bit. : )
The children are big and beautiful. You've probably seen the newest pictures. Can you believe them? They are amazing little beings. And we are so blessed by them. B-boy continues to thrive in school. (Or should I say at my dining room table with his school curriculum.) He is reading so much these days. It's amazing to know that we didn't send him to someone else for a few hours in the day and he came home reading... WE TAUGHT HIM. What a gift. He also has learned to tie his shoes *Thanks Aunt Kimberly* She beat me to the punch on showing him how to do it himself. He hasn't lost any new teeth this past month... a little break for me.
Beetle is tall. Really. Where as B-boy and K-girl fall between the 25-50 percent for height... Beetle is way up on the charts. He is taller than all his friends and even some of B-boy's firends. And he is skinny. So our beet is well, not a beet at all... more of a bean. : ) He is also completely talented in the world of legos. He is so creative. We purchased a huge shoe box of legos at a yard sale- no manuals or instructions. I gave the boys time to play with them in their room... he created a castle with knights etc. B-boy came down with an entire pirate ship- plank, ladder, flags, captain etc. Unreal.
And K-girl, well what can be said about little girl? She is growing. Taller. (despite the fact she is in the 25th percentile) She is really thinning out. She provided a nice scare to us in August however. A trip to the ER based upon some toilet issues. (I'm not kidding... don't we qualify for needing a break these days?) Read between the lines on this one- it's a messy blog subject. She'd been battling with going to the bathroom, literally, and pushed so hard she... well... the official diagnosis was "Rectal Prolapse". A muscle that shouldn't have made it to the outside of her body while pushing... DID, and well... got STUCK! (This is all true) Poor thing was raced to the ER to which they just shoved everything back inside and took an X-ray at 1am to ensure nothing was twisted and sent us on our merry way. Oh yeah, not before telling us to have her tested for Cystic Fibrosis as 25 percent of children with Rectal Prolapse actually have Cystic Fibrosis and are in need of enzymes to aid in digestion and help eliminate constipation. (WHAT???????????) They told us C.F. kids are skinny, constipated, salty tasting kids....Needless to say I've spent a lot of time monitoring her toilet goings, assessing her weight and lack of baby fat, and well.. I'll be honest, licking her arms. I am an anxious momma who just wants her children healthy and well... saltless!!)
And one other thing... a dear friend of mine is on the road to motherhood. But it's a different road than most of us have taken. Tara has tried to conceive for over 4 years and has recently decided to take a path of gestational surrogacy. Their surrogate will be another good friend we all went to Messiah with. They are in the midst of the final stages of preparation and will be ready to pursue the first transfer in October. PLEASE keep them and this process in your prayers. Dan and Tara would like to have a baby. And Dana is willing to do all she can to help them in this. Here's a link to their blog if you are interested in following their progress. I've seen God do miracles even in this past month... please pray His hand is upon these friends in this journey. THANK YOU.
That's all I have right now. I'll be back in two weeks with September's update. Sure better put it to memory now. Ever since starting work it's been one big blur. Home school, play in the afternoon, work all night. Work all weekend. Repeat! And there you have it. Septembers update.
See you in November : )
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