So much to catch up on which is why I haven't posted as of yet... the perfectionist side of me figured I had to recap everything that has happened in the past two months and well, I became
First- let me assure you my turkey is cooking (since 7:25 this morning), the green beans have been cut, the yams and apples have been sliced and layered and the cranberries have been boiled in the apple cider with cinnamon sticks. I am well on my way to EATING.
Now- a few recaps... my niece... just finished her next to last round of Chemo. She is home today from the hospital to celebrate Thanksgiving and will go back to school with all the other children on Monday. She is very excited. Talk about something to be Thankful for... the Dr's didn't give her the first weekend after she was diagnosed... told my sister she wouldn't survive and here she is to eat Pumpkin Pie today. WOO-HOO!!!
B-boy went and turned SEVEN. I can't believe it. (Sidenote, typing seven in all caps made me
For school B-boy (and siblings) toured Trax farms. They learned about different types of gourds, took a hay ride, climbed a mountain of pumpkins, learned how apples are picked from the

The medical side of my update... I have lyme disease. (Please catch the tone of annoyance in my writing) I really hoped it would be gone by now but it is still here in full force disrupting my life. This past month I actually had to stop taking medicine because the medicine caused ulcers in my esophogus and stomach- stopping the meds caused my muscles to waste and made me take time off from work etc. Not sure what will come of me but I am hopeful that one day the Lord will intervene and relieve me of this battle I face daily.
And the highlight of all highlights... K-girl went this past weekend and had her ears pierced. SHE

Well, that's my update. Sorry I haven't been consistent to post monthly. I will try to do better but odds are... I won't. Terrible I know.
Oh- one more thing... I just wanted to say HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all... even if you don't read this till later. I am so grateful to each and everyone of you that are in our lives. We are who we are individually and as a family because of your influence, friendship and love for us. Know that we are grateful and don't take any of you for granted.

Thanks again to all that read this post- I don't know why you do it but again, I'm grateful.
Until next year- (odds are... I won't make it back for a post before January.)
1 comment:
wow. i'm so hurt. i'm checking out your blog for the first time ever, and to my complete dismay, you don't even mention myself as one of the reasons you enjoy your job so much. now, i know what you are thinking and i agree, i don't have as cool of a nickname as "lizzy-lou-who" but seriously, not even a name drop.
but in all honesty. very cool blog chelle. while kyleea has completely set herself up for teenage embaressment with her newest do, it is not as bad as you had me believing.
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