Thursday, September 13, 2007

Phillipians 2.4

Our church has a great children's ministry. It actually played a large part as to why we made that church our home-church more than 6 years ago. Every Sunday after their Sunday school class the kids receive a booklet that includes a mini lesson for each day of the week until they return for the following Sunday lesson. And each lesson in the month supports an overall theme.

This month the theme is initiative and the verse is Philippians 2.4. Our children have been hearing the verse every night as part of their bed time reading and prayers. Yesterday my daughter decided to pull me aside to tell me something... here's what she said. (Of course I made her repeat it so I could capture it with my camera)

How amazing are the hearts and minds of children? She retained the verse and with such joy shared it with me in an abstract moment. This morning- when she awoke I aksed her right away if she knew the verse and she did indeed. It excited me to start sharing more scripture with her (and the boys). I bet they can commit it to memory easier than we as adults adults as they have far fewer things to remember. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful, Chelle...really! I always cry when I hear children reciting scripture...I personally know how the Holy Spirit seals the Father's Words in our lives when we commit them to our hearts...pure beauty!