Happy Birthday to my Dear Sweet K-Girl!!!
It's hard to believe I'm telling you that my "baby" is FOUR today. I remember every bit of her four years as if they just happened.
I remember finding out I was pregnant and sharing the news with my friend Michelle because Paul refused to believe it...
I remember every bit of nausea that escorted that wonderful pregnancy news and remained until the 18th week...
I remember B-boy and I going to the 20 week ultrasound in October to find that he'd have to make room in his heart and home for a baby sister...
I remember telling my friend Tracy that I would deliver K-girl before noon on 2.27.04 so that Paul could pick up our boys from her house enabling her to keep her celebratory birthday lunch date that afternoon...
And I remember spending many a moment alone with her, in the hospital and after by where I could do nothing but stare deep into the eyes of this precious person that I loved instantly- MORE than even myself.
And now here she is... four years of age. I can't rock her. Can't nurse her. Can't change her diaper. Can't carry her in a car seat. Can't feed her rice cereal on a spoon. Can't give her a bottle.... I Can't! Can't! Can't!!!
But what I can do (and do often) is revel in her. Revel in God in her. What a privilege it has been to watch her progress in her abilities. She can rock herself. She can feed herself. She can use a potty. She can walk. She can drink from a cup. She can do ballet (actually she can look adorable in a ballet tu-tu... "doing ballet" is a bit misleading). She can attend Sunday school. She can tell me about her day. She can give me kisses. She can wake up with the joy of the Lord and simplistically apply it to all things she sees throughout the day. She Can! Can! CAN!!!
We won't be adding on to the family at all. This is it for us so realizing how time is passing is no easy task for me. But looking deep into her beautiful blue eyes- with that amazing smile on her face- and those wavy locks of gold upon her head... cause time to stand still for me. And for that... I am so grateful!!!
I of course am opting to display many a picture of my "baby" on this, her fourth birthday. ENJOY.
I love you the MOSTEST!!!
She is a cutie! Happy Birthday!
Oh my goodness. Such great pictures! I wanted to tell you thank you for your comment about coming to K-girl's princess party if we lived closer! That was so sweet. I have no doubt they would be friends! By the way, just wait until your oldest turns 13!!! Yep, I'm the mother of a teenager come this August.
OH my....such sweeties and a mom who makes me cry! Those were nice Chel! Heidi
Ok, now what are you trying to do to me?!? I have not had a moment to blog lately AT ALL! Then I come here for a moment to pick up your site address to add AGAIN to my blog list of buddies and I see a new makeover!
You never cease to amaze me. I so LOVE your new look. I LOVED the pictures of the kids and now will have a gnawing at me until I can come back and spend a half an hour on your blog alone!
Love, Joanne
p.s. So glad to see that you are taking it easy...(sarcasm my friend)
I remember the day you found out. You were absolutly sure you were having a girl and wouldn't stand for anything less.
I remember soon after, finally finding out that we were pregnant. And you running into the ultrasound room to make sure I was having a girl. So that they would have to be friends.
Many Many Memories!!!
Love ya Chells
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