Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

I was told about this video on God Tube by my friend Michelle. I looked for it today and it truly is a wonderful Easter Video....

I hope you'll take six minutes to view it. And, IT IS NOT APPROPRIATE FOR YOUNG CHILDREN, as it includes graphic scenes from The Passion, so please know that before pressing play.

Furthermore- the last TWO minutes you can not miss. So if you don't like graphic portrayals... please slide the rectangle on the player to the right until it says 4:30. The last two minutes are WELL DONE and help to say it all.

Have a WONDERFUL EASTER friends. May the Lord bless you and keep you...


Mari said...

That's really good. Thanks for sharing it. Happy Easter my friend!

Rebekah said...

Happy belated Easter!

Tara said...

We saw a modified version of this in church yesterday, just the last minute or so and no verses that I can remember. Even that little part was very good.

Anonymous said...

I am happy that you enjoy it as much as I do!


Aunt Angie said...

Chelle` I cry everytime I see this video. I appreciate you showing this...This is what we need to remember...His sacrifice...for every one of us.
Bless you :)

girlymom said...

I know I should be able to watch this. The pain and sacrifices he went through for us, I should be able to at least watch this. But I don't need to, I watched it once and I have never forgotten.
It touches you like that.