A few weeks ago, while visiting my inlaws in Central PA, a friend that I went to Messiah with told me to read the book, "The Shack". I recently became quite the avid reader as we turned our TV off for the summer so I inquired about the book. To my disappointment the word, "Fiction", was included in her summary. I dismissed it immediately. I told her I wouldn't read it. Afterall I was reading books like If You Want To Walk On Water You Have To Get Out Of The Boat, Believing God and The Divine Conspiracy. Real Books. Godly Books. Non- fiction books.
Wednesday night my friend Stacy asked me if I was reading the book she knew had been recommended to me a few weeks ago. I halfheartedly giggled and said, "Uh- NO!" To my surprise she asked if she could borrow it. Perplexed, I found myself asking what her interest in the book was... and before I knew it, she'd peaked mine.
I returned home that night and decided to read the forward of The Shack. Let me just say, 24 hours later... I had finished the book. 248 fictional pages that to my complete amazement revealed the person(s) of God to me in new and intimate ways.
Wednesday night my friend Stacy asked me if I was reading the book she knew had been recommended to me a few weeks ago. I halfheartedly giggled and said, "Uh- NO!" To my surprise she asked if she could borrow it. Perplexed, I found myself asking what her interest in the book was... and before I knew it, she'd peaked mine.
I returned home that night and decided to read the forward of The Shack. Let me just say, 24 hours later... I had finished the book. 248 fictional pages that to my complete amazement revealed the person(s) of God to me in new and intimate ways.

I then found out that this book, written by William P. Young, a Christian Theologian... son of a missionary... father of 6... is currently NUMBER 1 on the New York Times Best Seller List!! A Christian Fiction Novel number 1 on the most secular reading list known to man.... PRAISE GOD! Clearly He is in this... right??
The author is already in talks with media production companies to make this book into a movie. I for one, having read the book, see such potential for it to be a mainstream movie impacting unbelievers for the glory of God.
If you get a chance, head to a bookstore and pick up a copy of The Shack. Maybe, just maybe, by the time you begin reading it... I'll have worked out the logistics necessary to host a Book Review here at The World of Chelle. Because topics like these will need to be discussed...
*Where is God in the midst of our pain?
The author is already in talks with media production companies to make this book into a movie. I for one, having read the book, see such potential for it to be a mainstream movie impacting unbelievers for the glory of God.
If you get a chance, head to a bookstore and pick up a copy of The Shack. Maybe, just maybe, by the time you begin reading it... I'll have worked out the logistics necessary to host a Book Review here at The World of Chelle. Because topics like these will need to be discussed...
*Where is God in the midst of our pain?
*How is Jesus fully God and fully man?
*What does it mean for us to be created in His image?
*What does our relationship with Him mean when we presuppose He is in our likeness only better?
*Why should we converse with God when He already knows everything?
*Is there a heirarchy established within the Trinity?
*What role does personal choice and independence play in our unity and relationship with Him?
*What role does submission play in our relationship with God and others?
*Why does God allow tragedy to occur in the lives of His children?
*Does God orchestrate tragedy in our lives to accomplish His purpose?
*What is the distinction between religion and relationship?
*Do we truly know and believe God for who He is or simply who we think He is?
I really hope you'll read it. I'm biting at the bit to host a discussion...
I really hope you'll read it. I'm biting at the bit to host a discussion...
I have heard this was a must read so I bought it last week. I've been waiting to start it because we are leaving in the morning for a week of camping. The book is coming with me. I'll let you know how I like it when I come back. I'm excited to start because I've heard only good things from people I respect - and now I can add you to that list!
I just finished reading it! I'm going to send a copy to my sister-in-law in CA. She has been searching for so many years, and the church has not helped her in her quest! I hope this brings her closer to the heart of God!
I have heard about it but not read it. That's funny...I use to say the same thing about fiction!
I've heard about this book. Maybe I should check it out
Who are you really? You are from this point forward, dubbed the 'Phantom Blogger'. For petes sake. just when I think you are done for good, there you are, back from the old musty tomb. Maybe I should call you 'Lazarus girl'...I'll keep working on that!
...and you just never know when I will hijack your blog my friend. It wouldn't be as fun if it were expected, now would it?!?
Hugs, Joanne
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