Well, the other day I was in the bathroom and realized, come the end of my time there, that there was no toilet paper. Why you ask??? Because it happens to be allergy season here at my house and rolls of toilet paper can be found attached to my children, next to their beds, and out back in the tree house because at some point someone is going to have to blow their nose... and it rarely happens in the bathroom. So there I sat...
... in the bathroom with no toilet paper. And then I saw it... my saving grace- the Kandoo wipes. I congratulated myself on several levels. "Good job me!! You've purchased something to help your children should the need arise... your good-momness is now rewarded in your time of need!!! " and "Good Job me!!! Your preparation has come to your aid once again!!!" and even "Good Job Me!!! Your kids may have won one over on you as they high jacked all the TP but make no mistake- you always prevail!!!"
I grabbed a wipe with a smile on my face and joy in my heart. I wrapped things up and as I went to wash my hands... my youngest knocked on the door asking to go to the bathroom. Ahhh... what's one more in here- come on in I tell her.
As she finishes she reaches for the TP to find it gone. I tell her to hold on a second so I can get her a roll to which she quickly tells me, "No mama. I'll just use these. " (Those lifesaving Kandoo wipes... ) Again I pat myself on the back. I am indeed a good mom. The pride grows.
I finish washing my hands as she finishes wiping. I decide to stay to help her wash her hands when out of the corner of my eye I see it. I see IT!!!
She uses the wipe AND PUTS IT BACK!!! Stuffs it back into the Kandoo wipe case. Eeeeewwwww!
I sternly advise her... "Love, we don't do that. We flush them down the toilet after we use them."
And then I remember- I JUST USED ONE! Ick. Ick. Ick. Ick.
I wash her hands, kick her out of the bathroom and immediately get into the shower.
I wonder if the poeple at Kandoo can market something that tells us what to do with the wipe AFTER this picture teaches us how to use it... Cause it seems that's where my kid's getting confused.

Oh the joys of motherhood! I know we share a lot with our kids, but that's going too far! :)
ROFLOL! That sounds like something that would happen at my house
That is HYSTERICAL! I was cracking up. By the way, we LOVE those wipes at our house, but I am slightly afraid to use them myself after that post!
That is the funniest thing I have heard in a long time!!!! Sorry it was at your expense...
That my friend is hysterical and gross all at the same time! Don't you just love kids!
Ew!! But guess what, my children do the same thing! Then if the wipes run out, they rip strips of TP and put those in the Kandoo container. Strange! I'm laughing right there with ya!
Tooooooooooooo funny!
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