At the park...daily... for HOURS...

...with a Diva...

...who keeps those boys in line... obviously.

Working...at the Pool... (which brings few smiles)

Giving into a boy's wish...

...to shed his curls...

...so little old ladies will stop telling him...

..."Honey- I pay good money for those locks"...

...only to find out... he wanted to UNWISH his wish!

*I can't tell you how many ask where he gets those curls! (since I wear my hair straight all the time) This picture clears it up...he gets them from ME!)

We opened floral packages that held gorgeous flowers...

...that Mom-Mom sent for the recital...

...and then carried them around ALL night long...

...and loved it so!

We went to Kennywood (theme park)...

...and were forced to smile while waiting in EACH line...

...and at each "Kodak picture spot"...

...and on each ride...

...even when with Daddy!

And yes- we even cleaned out the garage...

...and when I say "we" I mean "ME"...

...four hours in... and it still looked like this...

...until I crammed almost EVERYTHING into the van...

...and unloaded it at the Salvation Army... (not the two office chairs)

We went to Krispy Kreme for the first time in 2 years...
the kids now call me SUPERMOM!

AND... happily, I admit, we went SHOE SHOPPING!!!

Lookie at these Maddens...aren't they beauties?
I missed you all terribly. And will be back in blogland tomorrow!
Wow - how can I respond to all that! You have been busy. Your kids look a lot more alike wince your son got that haircut - he looks older too! I'm jealous of your curls - I have to curl mine every day.
Love the shoes!
Wow! You guys have been BUSY!
I love your son's haircut and I love your curls! You shouldn't straighten it...looks great curly!
You have been one active family, good deal for all of you.
Wow, You have been busy. But look at all you've gotten accomplished.
You have definately been busy! I love the pictures, thanks for sharing! So at what point is summer vacation a VACATION? :)
Hey there busy girl...I will email you before heading off to take a nap!
Loved the shoes and the curls too. I wish I had curly hair, mine is bone straight.
Blessings, Joanne
p.s. so what do you have planned for your birthday?!? hmmmm?
You're a busy, busy, girl! Maybe I should quit before trying for 3!
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